Sustainable golf courses

Sustainable golf courses

The sustainability of golf courses is an issue that has been widely discussed in the face of climate change and water scarcity. In fact, there are several examples of golf clubs that manage natural resources in a responsible manner, ranging from the initial planning stage to the application of cutting-edge measures to minimise their environmental impact. One of the issues that comes up most frequently concerns irrigation. But did you know that some courses are watered with treated wastewater? In other words, some water that cannot be used for consumption or cultivation is used for the maintenance of certain golf courses. This is just one of the many ways that golf courses can help to make this sport more sustainable and as green as its fairways.

Spain is home to several sustainable golf courses that address this challenge in an environmentally responsible and respectful manner. INFINITUM is one such example, where sustainability is found in every fairway, green and stretch of rough. Find out how we tend to our golf courses in an environmentally friendly way!

INFINITUM: Golf and Sustainability

INFINITUM has 3 golf courses on the Costa Dorada: these are the Hills course (18 holes), the Lakes course (18 holes) and the Ruins course (9 holes). For a golf course to be sustainable its operators must engage in the responsible management of natural resources, minimise its environmental impact and encourage practices that allow golf to be enjoyed while caring for and protecting the environment. Several measures have been implemented at INFINITUM to achieve a sustainable golf model, including:

Reclaimed water

The water used to irrigate the golf courses comes from a state-of-the-art desalination plant that cleans wastewater through an advanced reverse osmosis system. This plant reclaims water from the municipalities of Vila-seca, La Pineda and Salou.

Atmospheric humidity sensors

Atmospheric humidity sensors are used to adjust irrigation levels depending on weather conditions, thus helping to save water in wetter months.

Selection of climate-adapted vegetation

Throughout the resort, priority is given to indigenous plant species with low watering requirements. Heat and drought-resistant grasses, such as Bermuda Tifway 419, which has a fast regrowth and high tolerance to salinity, were selected for our golf courses.

Natural protected space

At INFINITUM, several natural spaces have been created to encourage the conservation of native flora and fauna, which helps to protect local biodiversity. It is also worth mentioning that the Sèquia Major, a natural space that has been protected under the Spaces of Natural Interest Plan (Plan de Espais d'Interès Natural, PEIN) of the Generalitat de Catalunya since 1992, lies next to the Lakes course. It is considered the most interesting wetland between the Ebro Delta and the Llobregat Delta, with more than 17 hectares of reedbeds, poplars, willows and many other plant species. It is also home to unique species such as the European pond turtle and the Spanish toothcarp, and is a stopover and resting place for migratory birds.

Energy efficiency

Various measures have been implemented to reduce energy consumption, such as the use of LED lighting and smart energy management systems.

Responsible management of resources

All projects undertaken at INFINITUM take into account the concepts of life cycle and life cost and incorporate locally sourced materials and recycled content. The resort also has recycling and responsible resource management programmes.

Sustainability certificates

INFINITUM’s responsible practices have seen it earn GEO Certified, Audubon International and EMAS certifications, which are the most demanding sustainability certificates. Its residential development has also received BREEAM certification.

These efforts aim to marry our passion for golf with our appreciation of the importance of protecting the environment. We at INFINITUM love the Costa Dorada and the environment, so we pull out all the stops to protect our local area in a responsible way.

INFINITUM: a sustainable resort on the Costa Dorada

Sustainability is the cornerstone of everything that takes place at INFINITUM, and is thus one of the pillars of the resort. This is one of the reasons why we chose the environmentally responsible architectural firm Batlle i Roig to design our residential development. The result of this collaboration is a landscape project in which the houses blend seamlessly into nature. This privileged setting is one of the main attractions of the resort, and therefore special attention is devoted to its conservation and maintenance. The homes have also been designed to maximise energy efficiency in order to save on electricity and water consumption. Get in touch with our team for more information!

If you want to learn more about these sustainable villas and apartments on the Costa Dorada, please fill in the form at the bottom of this page.

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Barcelone - Aéroport El Prat à 1h05
Gare TGV Camp de Tarragona à 20 min.
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